Friday, February 6, 2009

When you least expect it...

So I don't consider myself to be a bad looking fellow, I'm quite normal, blonde hair, thin but firm build, tall, blue eyes and a generally well defined jawline, but I also know I'm no super model but in my single days it was not so shocking to get attention from the opposite (and occassionally the same) sex, but not longer after I took the vows, I noticed that the attention when away. My flirtatious personality continued for a while but as my wife would later say, I no longer gave off the "Vibe" of a single man. God knows there were times that I tryed...
Today, I was helping a customer, she was a mom, mid to late twentys, very cute, pretty eyes, dirty blonde,her fingers kept playing with the folds of her jacket which was very distracting as the movement kept drawing my eyes towards her breast. She had a friend with her, about the same age, also cute with darker hair. As I was entering some information into the computer I noticed that her friend started to cry a little. A weird and akward moment for me, but the mom noticed and asked what the tears were for and the friend sniffed "I don't want you to go". I then kinda figured they were friends and one was visiting the other and the visit was about to end. (after thought in my head was this elaborate story about them being secret lovers and, well, I'll save that for another time, if you want a create essay let me know and I'll mail ya one)
Mom then gave the firend a nice long hug, I almost joined in but the adult in my head talked me out of it.
Just being a nice guy, I handed a box of tissues to the crying girl.
Mom looked over and said, " was really sweet" paused a moment, smiled and asked "are you single?", to which i raised my hand, flashed my ring..."of course you are".. smiled again and left.

Okay, so I probably read WAY too much into that, but its been awhile since I've gotten attention like that and it was nice and I just wanted to share.

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