Wednesday, February 25, 2009


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Sunday, February 22, 2009

I got a doctor's note...

Wow, been gone a few days but not on purpose, I was temporally out of commission due to the Flu. First time in my life I have ever had it, at least my kids got their flu shots two moths ago so the sniffles were all me.

On a good note I've had several (fever induced) artistically crazy ideas that I can't wait to try.

Its good to be back in the land of the living / blogging.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

No News is Good News...

There was a time when I use to love watching the news, I was a journalism major, and my entire life my grandmother and mother would spend most of there time spying on the neighborhood, I always liked to know what was going on, but lately the news just makes me mad. Not because of the violence and bad news, just all the stupid crap they report about.
The talking heads have become so biased and petty and at the same time there is no real investigations into the details anymore. And whats with those damn tickers that run news across the bottom of the screens, half the time all they give you is a headline and no real information. There are a few other details that bug the heck out of me, but that's enough ranting for now. I feel better.

Okay, one more thing....
"Octo-mom" as they call her is just an idiot and isn't worth the 5 minutes airtime she gets on the networks. So many things wrong with that whole situation. That is why I believe you should have to have a licence to be a parent, you need one to drive a car, hunt, fly, cut hair, why not for raising a child.

Okay, now I'm done.

Thursday again...

Just Curious... so who is wearing green like they said they would?

Friday, February 6, 2009

When you least expect it...

So I don't consider myself to be a bad looking fellow, I'm quite normal, blonde hair, thin but firm build, tall, blue eyes and a generally well defined jawline, but I also know I'm no super model but in my single days it was not so shocking to get attention from the opposite (and occassionally the same) sex, but not longer after I took the vows, I noticed that the attention when away. My flirtatious personality continued for a while but as my wife would later say, I no longer gave off the "Vibe" of a single man. God knows there were times that I tryed...
Today, I was helping a customer, she was a mom, mid to late twentys, very cute, pretty eyes, dirty blonde,her fingers kept playing with the folds of her jacket which was very distracting as the movement kept drawing my eyes towards her breast. She had a friend with her, about the same age, also cute with darker hair. As I was entering some information into the computer I noticed that her friend started to cry a little. A weird and akward moment for me, but the mom noticed and asked what the tears were for and the friend sniffed "I don't want you to go". I then kinda figured they were friends and one was visiting the other and the visit was about to end. (after thought in my head was this elaborate story about them being secret lovers and, well, I'll save that for another time, if you want a create essay let me know and I'll mail ya one)
Mom then gave the firend a nice long hug, I almost joined in but the adult in my head talked me out of it.
Just being a nice guy, I handed a box of tissues to the crying girl.
Mom looked over and said, " was really sweet" paused a moment, smiled and asked "are you single?", to which i raised my hand, flashed my ring..."of course you are".. smiled again and left.

Okay, so I probably read WAY too much into that, but its been awhile since I've gotten attention like that and it was nice and I just wanted to share.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Green Thursdays

I don't know what made me think of this, but many many moons ago, back in high school, we had a little tradition. Wearing green on a Thursday meant you were extreamly horny. It started out with a few friends but it caught on an by my senior year every Thursday the halls were packed with green shirts, skirts and the like.
The tradition has stuck, even subconsciously, I just realized that my boxers are in fact green.
Anyone else sporting a little green today?

Monday, February 2, 2009

In the Gutter

I don't know what it is lately, but my mind is in the gutter. WAY worse then normal, and for me, normal is pretty bad. All day long its, Wonder what the kinkiest thing she ever did, or what kinda underwear does she have on, or what if everyone in the store right now just started having sex? Yikes, is it a full moon or something?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Evolutions next step?

I saw on CNN the other day that their was this child born with 12 fingers, that would be 6 per hand. As weird as that may be, its not completely unheard of. The night my kids were born there was a child born in the room next to us with 11 fingers.

Evolution, at least the way I view it, is adaption to changes in climate, food, environment and even the way you complete daily tasks. We as a society have become very dependant on the "keyboard" and spend more time communicating electronically, texting and such. Maybe additional fingers are the next major step in helping humans adapt to a changing world? Could this be the next step in the evolution of humans?

Then again, I heard extra digits could be a result of inbreeding...hmmmm


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Caught in the act...

So last night, I'm leaving work. It's icy and the parking lot is dark, cars are parked all over the place since the lot was never plowed and nobody knew where the little white lines were. I'm walking through the rows of cars and something out of the ordinary catches my eye. It was one of those moments when you see something but your brain doesn't quite register what your looking at, so you just stop and stare for a moment until you realize that your gawking at two teenagers "playing" in a parked car.

They both saw me, but the moment was so quick that in thier heads they were thinking "maybe he didn't see anything", so I kept walking ( and laughing) to my car, which happen to be parked directly in front of the Shag-mobile. I unlocked my door (still laughing) sat in the front seat and just for fun, sat there for about 10 minutes. I didn't start the car, turn on the lights, nothing, just sat there.

I couldn't really see anything, from what I could see the two lovers were perfectly frozen, they didn't move an inch, statues really. So after about 10 minutes when I figured they were freaked out enough (and I realized I wasn't gonna get a free show) I started up the car and drove home.

I recalled a few times when I got caught in ackward situations and/ or positions by cops, mall security, random people walking by, it actually was always more of a rush for me, so in a way I hope I managed to encrease thier sexual experiance, or screw up any chances that guy may get again for a parking lot love session. Either way... I'm happy I parked there.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Driving in snow

I was driving to work today in the tail end of a typical Eastern winter storm, about 6 inches of snow already on the ground and sleet and freezing rain were falling. The roads wern't in the best condition and I was thinking about how much I missed my old "Bachlor SUV" with the four-wheel drive. the new "Family compact" just didn't cut it in rough conditions. I slipped a few times and after the inital heart attack, the adrenoline kicked in and I remebered how much fun it was to purposly slide and lose control. 10 years ago I would have found an empty parking lot (or street) and see haw many times I could get the car to completly spin in a circle or see how far I could slid after slamming on the breaks or even crash into a snow drift...just for fun.

Just then, as the child in me was starting to daydream about building snowmen in the middle of the street and running them over (which looking back was kinda sick) some idot flies past me doing like 100 mph. He was from another state where not being able to drive is built into the genetic code of its residents, and immediatly the adult in me began to curse him up, down and sideways. Is it wrong that I was kinda wishing he would loose control and smash his pretty little Lexus into the center barrier? Probably...I'm sure on the drive home I'll try to do a few slides, or not.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Writer's Block

So I had all these awsome ideas to write about and I find myself staring at a blinking little line......Bare with me, i'll come up with something soon...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Being Held Hostage by my Inner Child

Day: 10,522

"The last few years has been especially gruling on my inner child. Marriage, buying a home and the birth of my sons has been quite trying on that voice in my head that steers me back to the days of my youth. The multitude of adult responcibilities has put me in a constant state of hostilities with my inner child, many times I feel that he is winning the war. So today, I create this journal to document the battle between wanting to be a responcible adult and living the life I had only a few short years ago. In the end, no one knows who will win, I can only hope that a treaty can be made and that the two factions of my brian can co-exsist peacefully."